The Action Innocence Monaco Association

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Without a doubt, the internet has become the main communication and information tool in our society. As an ideal space of freedom, it offers the possibility to communicate with the entire world in real time and it does not know any boundaries. It is an amazing gateway to the world and to knowledge.

It is today’s most used media by youngsters, far ahead of television. Every day via computer, tablets and smartphones, children surf the web, use Facebook, chat on social media, download videos and music and exchange photos. This daily interaction with the Internet soon becomes indispensable to them. The great majority of them think they cannot live without being connected in case they might be cut off from the world. This new means of information and communication has disrupted our lives and implies a safe usage that parents and children don’t often realise.

The internet can convey the best and the worst. Children are faced willingly or not, with content that is harmful for them (pornography, violence, etc.). Without either they or their parents realising it, ill-intentioned people can approach them such as paedophiles looking for a prey or adults trying to enlist them in extremist causes. They can also be subjects to harassment insults or other things that may upset them in their school or social life, which may lead them to desperate actions.

As a user but also a player, each child must know and apply not only ethical and caution rules for his or her own safety, but also rules concerning privacy, picture rights, copyrights, etc.

History in Monaco

That is why in 2002 under His Serene Highness Prince Albert II’s patronage and with the cooperation of the “Direction de la Sûreté Publique” of the Principality of Monaco, Louisette Lévy-Soussan Azzoaglio, President, decided to continue the action of Valérie Wertheimer, President of Action Innocence Geneva, and started Action Innocence Monaco. An association legally and financially independent but linked in its actions to the policy initiated by Action Innocence Geneva.

In October 2014, the « Action Innocence » branch of Monaco spread its wings by becoming completely autonomous and became « Action Innocence Monaco ». Following in the same path and goals it started with but now offering a new visual identity as well as a new friendlier and fun website.


Action Innocence Monaco is a non-profit organization. Its resources come from the contributions of its active members and benefactors, from donations as well as funds collected during the organisation of events. Its objectives are:

  • To inform and create awareness in youngsters, parents, health and education professionals, and institutions, on the risks and abuses linked to the usage of the internet
  • To promote a secure practice of the internet with its prevention sessions
  • To transmit and share its experience and expertise
  • To fight child crime on Internet


  • The free creation and distribution of information and prevention tools
  • The development of new innovating and high performing technologies in order to cooperate effectively with IT professionals
  • The acquisition and update of legal knowledge needed for the purpose of targeted responses to governmental bodies and political powers in order to update obsolete legislations
  • The intervention of psychologists within school environments via prevention sessions
  • The mobilization of the general public and users of the internet in order to insure the cooperation of IT professionals, in particular Internet service providers, government and politicians
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